Donnerstag, 8. Mai 2008
[Sonstiges] Ayu auf Platz 79 der beliebtesten Sängerinnen

Dienstag, 6. Mai 2008
[Charts] Mirrorcle World | 4. Woche

Jetzt fehlen noch rund 7 000 Stück und sie kommt an die Verkaufszahlen von "Startin'/Born To Be..." ran. Das wäre wieder ein Erfolg, denn ihre letzten beiden Singles verkauften sich nur mässig und haben sich schnell aus den Charts verabschiedet.
Die Aktuelle Single jedoch hält sich noch sehr gut.
Montag, 5. Mai 2008
[TA Message] 220

No. 220 5 May 2008 (Monday) 2:57 AM
Nagoya, hot!!!
Nagoya, really really hot!!!!!!!
The temperature may be hot, but I've decided I am still going to be meeting up with everybody. (haha)
For a minute I thought I landed it Taiwan by mistake. < What the...?! (ROFL) As for the design, it seems tomorrow KAZ is kindly uploading a new one.(^_^)v Well well, looks like that'll a nice diversion for two days starting from tomorrow. o/~ Also my voice has considerably improved, I'm feeling better~ (^_^)b Yup!!! Incidentally, today it looked like I was gonna miss my bullet train, so I and the whole group seeing me off ended up making a mad dash up the loooooo~~~nng stairs at Tokyo Station. So that was a little bit amusing. (lol) Luckily, I made it on time (*^^)v Because~ o/~ I was neveeeerrr o/~ ever alooooone o/~ ("itsudemo~ hi~tori ja~ nakatta karaa~") Goodnight! (^_-) -*smooch
Sonntag, 4. Mai 2008
[TA Message] 219

No. 219 4 May 2008 (Sunday) 12:43 AM
Everyone in Fukui’s power was just full of unwavering enthusiasm! \(^O^)/
Things went great for two days, but upon returning to Tokyo I came down with a nasty cold, so for the time being i’m taking some down time YO.(=_=)
Because of that, I still have a weak voice but for a different reason YO. (-_-)
But until the shows restart in Nagoya, again & again & more & more It’s a reeeeeeaaaaaaaallllly hot couple of days YO. ∈^0^∋ o/~
So on the MY STORY Tour, during the MC in Nagoya (it’s on the DVD, right?), I was aaalways yelling, really so full of energy, so somehow I know it’ll be amazing this time too~~~~~~~ NE (*^_^*)
Look forward to it, Nagoya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Donnerstag, 1. Mai 2008
[RELASE] Countdown Live 2007~2008 DVD am 18.06.08

Am 18.06.2008 kommt die Konzert-DVD auf den Markt.
00. starting over
01. talkin' 2 myself
02. STEP you
03. Ladies Night
04. fated
05. Together When...
06. decision
08. Bold & Delicious
10. evolution
11. Boys & Girls
12. glitter
- Encore -
13. untitled ~for her~
14. 卒業写真 (sotsugyou shashin)
15. +
16. Humming 7/4
17. MY ALL
+特典映像収録予定 (Bonus-Material)
[Charts] GUILTY | 16. Woche

Nach 16 langen Wochen hat sich das Album aus den "Oricon Top 300" verabschiedet. Mit insgesamt 568,288 abgesetzten Einheiten ist es das Album, was sich bisher am schlechtesten verkauft hat.
Zum Vergleich: "Secret" - 675,297 (18 Wochen), "(miss)understood" - 877,433 (31 Wochen), "MY STORY" - 1,132,444 (43 Wochen)
Kleiner Trost: die legalen Downloads sind nicht mit einbezogen. So werden auch bei allen anderen Künstlern die Abverkäufe weniger und weniger.
Mittwoch, 30. April 2008
[Charts] Mirrorcle World | 3. Woche
Dienstag, 29. April 2008
[TA Message] 218

No. 218 27 April 2008 (Sunday) 1:29 AM
Happy-happy Fukui!!!
Everyone’s enthusiasm, and power, and encouragement & applause, everything, impacted my heart so greatly that I felt from the first song that I could cry…
Honestly, today, everyone’s feelings were overflowing, and for the whole time we were in the venue, right until the end it was amazing!
At any rate, today was amazing!!!!
Tour staff & ayu’s staff & the band & the dancers, just everyone who was here today was amazing~∈^0^∋∈^0^∋ o/~
After the end of the show, they had risen to their peak(.)Impressed-
Ah, I’m too happy, I’m not using very good words right now.
But I wanted to communicate this joy, so that’s what came out.
Let’s make the show absolutely the best tomorrow too!!!!!!!
Well, we can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, it’ll succeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With that, squeaky-voice me is quietly going to get in the bath & get ready to sleep…
I think I’ll have nice dreams (*^_^*)
Nighty-night~ (^.^) *smooch*
[CM] 2 neue Weider in Jelly CM's mit Ayu

...und wieder sind zwei neue CM's mit Ayu aufgetaucht und wieder handelt es sich um das Prdoukt "Weider" von Morigina. Diese kann man sich derzeit auf Youtube ansehen.
(BBQ Version)
(BBQ Version)
(GYM Version)
Sonntag, 27. April 2008
[Bilder]ASIA TOUR 2007 A ~Tour of Secret~ TOUR BOOK
Samstag, 26. April 2008
[TA Message] 217

No. 217 26 April 2008 (Saturday) 1:34 AM
Although I know there are people who already know about it & who’ve already seen it, I ask that you allow me to mention the beauty parlor “ZACC”, where I’ve been going for the past 9 years~ (*^_^*)
ZACC’s Owner, Takahashi, has been doing not only my hair cutting & coloring, but most recently has worked on my magazine shoots, TV appearances, CMs & PVs, all that kind of stuff~.
Despite that, I’m acting as shop-promoter girl for the first time, asking that you visit the Aoyama or Daikanyama locataion of ZACC beauty parlor~.
Going there is quite a nice experience, so if you have the chance everyone, go check it out.
Incidentally, as a follow-up, they seem to be having a campaign where you can get a good deal if you order a haircut to look like me. (I’m going overboard talking about this, haha)
The ZACC website has more details, so by all means go check it out.
Alright alright, I’m done talking about that now.
I’ve been pretty depressed since this morning.
My voice is still not at all healed, so I’m really anxious about the live shows tomorrow & the day after, and I’m getting nervous…
But even today while I was leaving Haneda Airport and arriving at Komatsu Airport I got to see everyone’s smiling faces.
Because of that, somehow my mind was put quite at ease.
When I arrived at the hotel & checked TA, everyone had written so many warm messages, with worries of my voice on their mind.
Because of that, somehow my heart was strengthened.
Sometimes the morals that are part of my personality are strengths, and sometimes they’re weaknesses, I’ve realized.
No matter how much I think about all of this, it can’t be helped.
I’ve already done all I can.
After this….. everyone in Fukui, from your heart I think it would be good for you to be able to enjoy the show.
In this limited amount of time we have, moment to moment, with all your might, always live with care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One day, I was able to teach that to everyone.
Today also, for the love that you give freely, I thank you.
[CM] neue Weider in Jelly CM mit Ayu

Freitag, 25. April 2008
[Sonstiges] a-nation 08 ohne Ayu ?
Wie es scheint, wird Ayu nicht an der diesjährigen a-nation teilnehmen. Auf der offieziellen Seite ist ihr Name nicht vertreten. Vielleicht plant sie etwas anderes zu ihrem 10. Jubiläum oder legt auf Grund der Ereignesse eine Pause ein. Wie ja bekannt ist, ist Ayu auf dem linken Ohr taub und nun hat sie auch Schwirigkeiten mit der Stimme. Da heisst es: abwarten und Tee trinken.
Donnerstag, 24. April 2008
[TA Message] 216

No. 216 24 april 2008 (Thursday) 7:19 AM
Three days have passed since the second Shizuoka show, when my voice died…
I still have a squeaky voice though, what the hell…
As for that, it seems my vocal chords are damaged—-…
Of course I have to ignore the phone.
Every day, really by only writing things down & e-mailing can I complete my work & private-life stuff….
Why isn’t my voice better~~~!!!?!?
I have two more days until I need it to come back.
It absolutely, absolutely must heal.
The band & dancers, not to mention all the many staff members, are kind enough to make such a wonderful show, but if my singing, which is vital, can’t be relied upon, then there’s no point to their hard work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m sure a miracle will surely happen…
Come on!!!!!
Mittwoch, 23. April 2008
Montag, 21. April 2008
[Charts] Mirrorcle World | 2. Woche
[TA Message] 215

No. 215 21 April 2008 (Monday) 4:13 AM
At the end of the Encore part of today’s show, my voice stopped workiiing…>_<… Around the time I said “Omae dare da?” (lol), I opened my mouth and out came this squeaky girly voice to sing the last song… (-_-) During dancer introductions, it was this weak granny’s voice (LOL) It’s very very well-known among us that the dancer Chisa-chan has the squeakiest voice, but tonight I have surpassed her in that department.(lol) Since then I’ve heard that Armageddon (that’s Saitou from security) had an even higher voice than Chisa-chan!!!!!! (*_*) I GIVE UP~(ROFL) But you know, everyone’s power in Shizuoka was really so great. So when everyone’s feelings called out to me, I wanted to respond to them, and I truly wanted to convey my feeling of thanks by just yelling it out really excitedly. But regretfully, I couldn’t! >^_^<>_<)!!!
And, this tour, everyone I meet & say goodbye to is breaking into cheers!
During all the various events, it seems I can meet so many dazzling faces.
Really, you’re all so kind… m(__)m
It’s selfish, but the time I talk to everyone, before & after the shows, warms my heart.
Please be more greedy about talking to me!
I’m not very good at talking to shy peoppllle…..(lol)
So yeah. I’m a flesh & blood person too, so I’m not high strung all the time.
But you know, as worn out as I can get, I do wonder what kinds of questions people have, anyway,,,,,,,
All your smiling faces are, as far as I’m concerned, the best energy source after all (*^_^*)
I’ve only been living squeezing things in at the last minute, so this is a very awkward & clumsy me who cannot yet really become an adult.
Thank you always & forever…. for the many smiling faces & tears that you’ve given until now, and will give from now on.
I still have a ways to go this 10th Anniversary year, with everyone’s help I can continue rise up to my peak~~~~!!
Let’s make tooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnns of good memories!!!!!!!
Next, look forward to Fukui~~~~~~ (^.^) *smooch*
And again, I promise to make it the best two days ever (^_-)v
Yeah, let’s do this!!!!!!!!!! \(^O^)/ o/~
you guys are MY ALL……. `\^_^
Samstag, 19. April 2008
[TA Message] 214

No. 214 18 Apr 2008 (Friday) 4:00 AM
Have you had the chance to see the new CM?
I’m in a taxi with Mr. Hamada. (^_^)b o/~
It was filmed in Shinjukuuu~.
And, for once, I play the role of an office lady,
But, shooting that day, everyone in ayu’s staff,
said ayu was NOOOOOTTT an attractive office lady!!!!!
Sheesh an all-out attack would have been better. -_-;;
Is that bad?
Is the black hair & suit look bad?
The hair & make-up only took 30 minutes, so is it bad because it’s too natural looking?
I guess that’s how they saw my Office Lady!!! (lol)
But that version of me is shooting a new Weider CM tomorrow, so the Office Lady role I play will come around again. (`_’)v prettypretty (`_’)v
Everyone, hope that it goes weeellll~!!!!
While I’m acting, I absolutely still want to be a singer. Yup.
Occaaaasionally, I’m naturally grateful to accept the opportunity
to do an acting job like this, and it’s fun, but of course,,,,
I am still the me who is a singer!!!!!!!!!!!!
That said, I’m somewhat incoherent right now, but once I’m not sleepy tomorrow, I’ll be armed with the actress within~~~~ (~0~)SLEEPY
Dienstag, 15. April 2008
Montag, 14. April 2008
[TA Message] 213
[Charts] Mirrorcle World in den Oricon Charts auf Platz I

Sonntag, 13. April 2008
Samstag, 12. April 2008
[TA Message] 211+212

The third day in Yoyogi is finished, and I kept coming here repeatedly & writing messages but erasing them, writing and erasing…. that’s the sort of state I’m in.
Somehow, the more I summoned up my happy feelings to turn them into words, the more they seemed phony, the less genuine the message seemed to be.
But I think I’ve got it now.
Yes, excessive wordiness isn’t needed.
Until now I was worried about appearances.
So…. I just want to say, purely & honestly, from my heart, that I love you all and I thank you so very much.
And also, in regards to me, you don’t just agree with everything I do, sometimes you’ve been giving honest and harsh opinions, and I thank you for that.
Just as I was saying at the beginning of the year, the way I currently am, sometimes situations & conditions don’t allow me to do things like singing songs & putting on a great show the way I’d like.
Honestly, coming to this place was the result of continuous, violent fights.
However, I asked for you to excuse my ear, and I didn’t want to show anything done halfway, but making compromise & giving something up was disagreeable to me.
I’m doing this myself since it was me who chose to continue singing.
I’m sure everyone has many many various worries that they’re not showing alot of, saying “Ayu is OKAY!!! (*^_^*)” because they want to creat an environment where they can feel more relaxed.
So, this tour, until the end, to all my great friends and all my visitors, I want to send many many great memories one at a time.
Everyone, you are always the source of my power.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Aaaaaah~! P.S.!!!
No. 212 11 Apr 2008:
I had a thought that I forgot (haha) to write about just then,
so I’m back.
Okay, so, for this show (this isn’t a spoiler so it’s okay o/`)
naturally, the usual Peco & Chiharu & Etsu
have been choreographing & arranging some of the dance numbers. However, my dancers Zin & Subaru, as well as Kayanocchi and others, are doing the choreography & arrangement of dance numbers toooo o/`
In addition, directing the on-screen videos, of course Wataru Takeishi, and also Tatsuya Ishii, did some extremely good work. But….. what!!!!! Our very own MR. KAZ has achieved his directorial debut, making a few of the videos!
So I really want to give eeeeveryone an impression of everything behind the stage being very lovely & sweet.
Keeping that in mind, I want everyone to get in that mood while watching, and I want everyone to enjoy iiit~ o/`
And I’m going off-topic here now, but on Yoyogi’s first day, I saw what looked like a black cloth banner with “SUBARU” written in huge pink characters? I think it was in the stands. The timing of it was really random. (laughing)
If you have the chance to come & show it again, please do!
That’s the kind of intrusion I don’t mind, do it to your heart’s content. (hysterical laughter)
Dienstag, 8. April 2008
[Fotos] Asia Tour 2008
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