No. 215 21 April 2008 (Monday) 4:13 AM
At the end of the Encore part of today’s show, my voice stopped workiiing…>_<… Around the time I said “Omae dare da?” (lol), I opened my mouth and out came this squeaky girly voice to sing the last song… (-_-) During dancer introductions, it was this weak granny’s voice (LOL) It’s very very well-known among us that the dancer Chisa-chan has the squeakiest voice, but tonight I have surpassed her in that department.(lol) Since then I’ve heard that Armageddon (that’s Saitou from security) had an even higher voice than Chisa-chan!!!!!! (*_*) I GIVE UP~(ROFL) But you know, everyone’s power in Shizuoka was really so great. So when everyone’s feelings called out to me, I wanted to respond to them, and I truly wanted to convey my feeling of thanks by just yelling it out really excitedly. But regretfully, I couldn’t! >^_^<>_<)!!!
And, this tour, everyone I meet & say goodbye to is breaking into cheers!
During all the various events, it seems I can meet so many dazzling faces.
Really, you’re all so kind… m(__)m
It’s selfish, but the time I talk to everyone, before & after the shows, warms my heart.
Please be more greedy about talking to me!
I’m not very good at talking to shy peoppllle…..(lol)
So yeah. I’m a flesh & blood person too, so I’m not high strung all the time.
But you know, as worn out as I can get, I do wonder what kinds of questions people have, anyway,,,,,,,
All your smiling faces are, as far as I’m concerned, the best energy source after all (*^_^*)
I’ve only been living squeezing things in at the last minute, so this is a very awkward & clumsy me who cannot yet really become an adult.
Thank you always & forever…. for the many smiling faces & tears that you’ve given until now, and will give from now on.
I still have a ways to go this 10th Anniversary year, with everyone’s help I can continue rise up to my peak~~~~!!
Let’s make tooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnns of good memories!!!!!!!
Next, look forward to Fukui~~~~~~ (^.^) *smooch*
And again, I promise to make it the best two days ever (^_-)v
Yeah, let’s do this!!!!!!!!!! \(^O^)/ o/~
you guys are MY ALL……. `\^_^
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