No. 218 27 April 2008 (Sunday) 1:29 AM
Happy-happy Fukui!!!
Everyone’s enthusiasm, and power, and encouragement & applause, everything, impacted my heart so greatly that I felt from the first song that I could cry…
Honestly, today, everyone’s feelings were overflowing, and for the whole time we were in the venue, right until the end it was amazing!
At any rate, today was amazing!!!!
Tour staff & ayu’s staff & the band & the dancers, just everyone who was here today was amazing~∈^0^∋∈^0^∋ o/~
After the end of the show, they had risen to their peak(.)Impressed-
Ah, I’m too happy, I’m not using very good words right now.
But I wanted to communicate this joy, so that’s what came out.
Let’s make the show absolutely the best tomorrow too!!!!!!!
Well, we can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean, it’ll succeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With that, squeaky-voice me is quietly going to get in the bath & get ready to sleep…
I think I’ll have nice dreams (*^_^*)
Nighty-night~ (^.^) *smooch*
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